
New Location

Hey everyone.

Just wanted to pass along a word that the location of this blog is now at http://web.me.com/cjmulder

So if you want to keep tabs on the blog, jump over there.




"This prayer begins where all true prayer must commence, with the spirit of adoption, "Our Father." There is no acceptable prayer until we can say, "I will arise, and go unto my Father." This childlike spirit soon perceives the grandeur of the Father "in heaven" and ascends to devout adoration, "Hallowed by thy name." The child lisping, "Abba, Father," grows into the cherub crying, "Holy, Holy, Holy."

----Charles Spurgeon from Morning by Morning October 29


God's Will For Your Life...

So just something for you to think about. Does God have a personal individual will for your life? I believe that He does. If you believe He does as well, then the question is really this: Are we to seek to find God's personal will for our lives?

Just something to think about...let me know what you think.

Later on I might post a more drawn out summary on what I have been learning in this area.


Harvest Crusade Tonight...

Hey everyone, the SoCal Harvest Crusade with Greg Laurie has started. You can tune in and watch it live at http://www.harvest.org/ if you want to. It should be good!

So tune in, or tell a friend to tune in.


It's That Time Again...

Hey, so it's that time of the year again when the Harvest Crusades roll around with pastor Greg Laurie. And as usual, I post a web banner here to support and encourage anyone who may take a look at this blog to go, check out the site, and watch the crusade online. So check it out...

Southern California Harvest 2010 with Greg Laurie


A Great Verse...

"Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." --Luke 9:20(ESV).

When I read this verse today, I could not help but think of all the people I see on t.v. who talk about all the people they have healed or all the people that the great things that they have done. Rather than boasting about things we have done or can do through Christ, we should stop and rejoice that our names, as Believers, are written in heaven!


The Walk...

In 2005 I had the opportunity to take a group of kids to the Super Summer youth camp in Colorado. The week was a great time of growth and one of the benefits was getting to hear the speaker for the week. The guy was someone I had never heard of before, but he is a man that LOVES Jesus! You can just tell it when he preaches and when he shares what Christ is doing in his life. So I saw this video here that he put together and thought what he said was good, so I wanted to pass it along to y'all. Hope you check it out.